News headlines in January 2020, page 5
“For Generations, We Have Been Nominating Men Just Because They are Men”
- Inter Press Service
Marlène Schiappa, Minister of State for Gender Equality and the Fight against Discrimination in France, attended the 25th year Regional Review Meeting of the Beijing Platform for Action for the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Region last month. She highlighted why this meeting is key for advancing the gender equality agenda and the priorities for the Generation Equality Forum in 2020, a global gathering for gender equality, convened by UN Women and co-chaired by France and Mexico.
Ending Bullying and Humiliation over Menstruation as Girls and Boys in Conservative Eswatini are Educated about Reproductive Health
- Inter Press Service
MBABANE, Jan 21 (IPS) - When 14-year-old Nomcebo Mkhaliphi first noticed the blood discharged from her vagina, she was shocked. Confused, she turned to her older sisters for advice.
"My sisters told me that they were experiencing the same every month and that they used fabric, toilet paper and newspapers as sanitary wear," recalls the now 45-year-old Mkhaliphi. She had to follow suit and use these materials because she had no money to buy sanitary pads.
School Lunch Programmes for Progress
- Inter Press Service
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Jan 21 (IPS) - If well planned, coordinated and implemented, a government funded school feeding programme for all primary school children can be progressively transformative. Such a programme, involving government departments and agencies working together, can benefit schoolchildren, their families, farmers and public health, now and in the future.
From Digital Diplomacy to Data Diplomacy
- Inter Press Service
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, Jan 20 (IPS) - The digital revolution arrived late at the heart of ministries of foreign affairs across the Western world. Ministries latched on to social media around the time of Tahrir Square and Iran's 2009 Green Revolution, beguiled by a vision of the technology engendering a networked evolution toward more liberal societies.
Geneva Staff Battles UN Chief over Unequal Pay & Illegal Salary Cuts
- Inter Press Service
UNITED NATIONS, Jan 20 (IPS) - As the United Nations commemorates its 75th anniversary this year, the financially-crippled Organization is also saddled with a rash of administrative problems, plus an ongoing cash crisis, perhaps one of the worst in history.
UN Special Rapporteur Offers Assistance to Indian Supreme Court in Case of Rohingya Deportation
- Inter Press Service
UNITED NATIONS, Jan 20 (IPS) - University of California professor E. Tendayi Achiume, who is a United Nations Special Rapporteur, has recently offered her assistance to the Indian Supreme Court in a long hearing about India deporting Rohingya refugees to Myanmar.
Pro-Growth Demographic Dogma
- Inter Press Service
NEW YORK, Jan 20 (IPS) - Whenever the issue of population comes up, pro-growth demographic dogma invariably dominates. Governments, political parties, businesses, the media and many others typically praise population growth and lament population slowdown, stabilization or decline. The demographic dogma basically advocates maintaining robust population growth and a larger and youthful population.
Slovak Journalist’s Trial a Fundamental Moment to Prove if Country can Punish Crimes Designed to Silence Journalists
- Inter Press Service
BRATISLAVA, Jan 20 (IPS) - As four people appear in court in Slovakia over the murder of journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kusnirova, both 27, the trial is being seen by many as a historic moment for not just press freedom in the country but public faith in its justice system.
Empowering Women in Poor Communities & Building Resilience Against Climate Pressure
- Inter Press Service
AHMEDABAD, India, Jan 17 (IPS) - Bijal Brahmbhatt is Director, Mahila Housing TrustAs global temperatures continue to rise, vulnerable populations around the world are facing increasingly complex climate risks – with ongoing droughts in Zimbabwe and floods devastating Indonesia's capital, Jakarta.
BIOGAS: Cow Dung Holds the Key to Nepal’s Green Economy
- Inter Press Service
KASKI, Nepal, Jan 17 (IPS) - Nepal's future may not be in hydropower, as most assume, but actually in the dung heap. A new industrial-scale biogas plant near Pokhara has proved that livestock and farm waste producing flammable methane gas can replace imported LPG and chemical fertiliser.