News headlines in January 2020, page 6

  1. Women Activists Escalate Demand for “Bodily Autonomy” as 19 Nations Dissent

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Jan 17 (IPS) - The United States and 18 other UN member states have come under fire for denying a woman's legitimate right to "bodily autonomy"—the right to self-governance over one's own body without coercion or external pressure.

  2. Terror Attack

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    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    NAIROBI, Kenya, Jan 16 (IPS) - The United Nations Country Team in Kenya is deeply distressed by the rising cases of terrorist attacks on schools, teachers and learners, especially in the north-eastern regions of Kenya. While we stand in solidarity with the affected communities, we reiterate that acts of terror and hate are even more egregious when they target innocent, unarmed civilians including children.

  3. Human Rights Watch Blasts China for Rights Violations at Home and Abroad

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Jan 16 (IPS) - China is currently under heavy scrutiny for its massive human rights violations across different sections, Human Rights Watch (HRW) head Kenneth Roth said on Wednesday. 

  4. Genuine Reform Culture Lacking in Zimbabwe

    - Inter Press Service

    BULAWAYO, Jan 16 (IPS) - Zimbabwe needs urgent economic and political reforms to transform its economy amidst a growing national crisis, researchers say in a new study that urges swift policy changes and a sound financial framework to attract investment.

  5. Climate Change and Financial Risk

    - Inter Press Service

    WASHINGTON DC, Jan 16 (IPS) - Climate change is already a reality. Ever-more-ferocious cyclones and extended droughts lead to the destruction of infrastructure and the disruption of livelihoods and contribute to mass migration.

  6. Climate Change: A Tale of Weather Extremes with Mixed Fortunes for Zambia

    - Inter Press Service

    LUSAKA and PEMBA DISTRICT, Zambia, Jan 15 (IPS) - It is early Saturday morning and Planeta Hatuleke, a small scale farmer of Pemba District in Southern Zambia, awakens to the comforting sound of rainfall. As the locals say, the "heavens have opened" and it is raining heavily after a prolonged dry spell. 

  7. Is Iraq Now a Virtual “US-Occupied Territory”?

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Jan 15 (IPS) - Pat Buchanan, a senior advisor to three US Presidents and twice candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, once infamously described the United States Congress as "Israeli-occupied territory" -– apparently because of its unrelentingly blind support for the Jewish state.

  8. In Dealing With Climate Change: Foresight is Key

    - Inter Press Service

    ILLINOIS, United States, Jan 15 (IPS) - United Nations World Food Program recently released 2020 Global Hotspots Report. According to the report, millions of citizens from Sub-Saharan African countries will face hunger in the first half of 2020 for several reasons including conflict, political instability and climate-related events such as below-average rainfall and flooding.

  9. Bushfires Hasten the Death Knell of many Australian Native Animals and Plants

    - Inter Press Service

    SYDNEY, Australia, Jan 14 (IPS) - The chatter of cockatoos and lorikeets has given way to an eerie silence in smoke enveloped charred landscapes across south-eastern Australia. The unrelenting bushfires have driven many native animal and plant species to the brink of extinction and made several fauna more vulnerable with vast swathes of their habitat incinerated.

  10. Cybersecurity Threats Call for a Global Response

    - Inter Press Service

    WASHINGTON DC, Jan 14 (IPS) - Last March, Operation Taiex led to the arrest of the gang leader behind the Carbanak and Cobalt malware attacks on over 100 financial institutions worldwide.

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