News headlines in January 2020, page 7
Has China Been Manipulating Its Currency?
- Inter Press Service
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Jan 14 (IPS) - Many argue that China's impressive growth for last four decades has been due to deliberate exchange rate undervaluation, promoting exports and discouraging imports. Last year, the Trump administration accused China of engaging in currency manipulation.
In the Elusive Grip of an Abusive Partner: A Migrant’s Story
- Inter Press Service
NEW YORK, Jan 14 (IPS) - To live in a home with family, to have a safe environment, food and basic human necessities, are some of the essentials that most people expect to have without giving it all much thought.
When a child is born, parents or caregivers are likely to provide these things. These expectations get renewed whenever someone gets married and moves to a new home, a different neighborhood, or a city.
We can hardly find someone who will say that they were not expecting happiness and safety when stepping into a new relationship, or starting a new chapter of life.
But these expectations of a better life turn disastrous for millions of people when they step into another country as a dependent.
Australia’s Wildfires Part of a Vicious Cycle of Food & Fire
- Inter Press Service
SILVER SPRINGS, Maryland, Jan 13 (IPS) - "Unprecedented." "Hell on Earth." "Catastrophic."
In Australia, these terms are being used to describe 17.9 million acres of burned land so far. While fires of this magnitude are certainly unprecedented, they're far from unexpected.
U.S. Might Pull Troops from West Africa, but Who Will it Affect?
- Inter Press Service
UNITED NATIONS, Jan 13 (IPS) - While the United States is busy with foreign operations such as killing Qasem Soleimani, a key figure in Middle East Politics,behind the scenes it is reportedly considering a change that experts worry might be of grave concern: a potential withdrawal of troops from West Africa.
The United Nations Reforms-From Ideas to Actions
- Inter Press Service
NAIROBI, Kenya, Jan 13 (IPS) - One of the highlight activities as the United Nations commemorates its 75th anniversary this year will be the launch of an "annual temperature check" on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), progress. With only ten years left to the final whistle for the Goals, this activity that will take place each September will provide a snapshot of what's working, and where countries need more action.
India and Japan’s MPs Act Quickly to Implement Sexual and Reproductive Health Plans after ICPD25
- Inter Press Service
MBABANE, Jan 10 (IPS) - Parliamentarians from India and Japan have hit the ground running by acting soon after the recent Nairobi Summit on International Conference on Population Development (ICPD25).
Iran Announces New Nuclear Deal Breach
- Inter Press Service
WASHINGTON DC, Jan 10 (IPS) - Iran announced its fifth breach of the 2015 nuclear deal Jan. 5, stating that it "discards the last key component of its operational limitations" put in place by agreement.
Does Africa’s Food Future Really Lie with Young Farmers?
- Inter Press Service
IBADAN, Nigeria, Jan 09 (IPS) - Africa will starve or survive on expensive food imports because it is not growing new farmers, research shows. And the challenge remains among researchers, policy makers, public and private sector actors to get African youth interested in agriculture on a continent where a growing number of people go to bed hungry every night.
‘Unprecedented Terrorist Violence’ in West Africa, Sahel Region
- Inter Press Service
UNITED NATIONS, Jan 09 (IPS) - The top UN official in West Africa and the Sahel updated the Security Council on Wednesday, describing an "unprecedented" rise in terrorist violence across the region.
Can UN Development Be Reformed? Not at This Rate
- Inter Press Service
GENEVA, Jan 09 (IPS) - Like his predecessors, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has been pushing a reform program to help the organization adjust to the demands of contemporary global governance.