News headlines in April 2024, page 8

  1. Silence the guns, amplify women’s voices for peace to end rape in wartime

    - UN News

    The UN verified 3,688 cases of rape and other sexual violence committed in war in 2023, a “dramatic increase” of 50 per cent over the previous year, the Security Council heard on Tuesday.

  2. WMO report: Asia hit hardest by climate change and extreme weather

    - UN News

    Asia remained the world’s most disaster-affected region in 2023 due to weather, climate and water-related hazards. Storms and floods have hit the hardest, a new report published by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on Tuesday reveals.

  3. Mass graves in Gaza show victims’ hands were tied, says UN rights office

    - UN News

    Disturbing reports continue to emerge about mass graves in Gaza in which Palestinian victims were reportedly stripped naked with their hands tiedprompting renewed concerns about possible war crimes amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Tuesday.

  4. Healing page by page in earthquake-affected Türkiye

    - UN News

    Book by book and page by page, Türkiye’s booklovers are bringing life back to cities ravaged by the deadly 2023 earthquakes through the power of reading, with help from cash grants from the UN International Organization for Migration (IOM).

  5. From Dominica to Vogue: Big dreams on a small island

    - UN News

    Becoming a successful international fashion photographer is hard for anyone, but it’s particularly difficult if you grow up in Dominica, a small Caribbean country regularly hit by hurricanes. This hasn’t deterred Josiah Johnson, an aspiring photographer who is taking advantage of digital technology training to find new opportunities well beyond the borders of his home.

  6. UN Live’s CEO Katja Iversen Talks About the Power of Popular Culture and ‘Sounds Right’

    - Inter Press Service

    NEW YORK, Apr 22 (IPS) - UN Live’s CEO, Katja Iversen, says the way to engage people in the environment is through popular culture—film, music, gaming, sports, food, and fashion. She is excited about the Sounds Right project, which puts the sounds of nature—bird songs, waves, wind, and rainfall—at the center of a campaign to support those involved in climate action.

  7. Afghan Women's Voices Stifled as Taliban Tightens Media Controls

    - Inter Press Service

    Apr 22 (IPS) - Since the Taliban regained control of Afghanistan in 2021, the space for women in the public sphere has significantly narrowed, with successive orders further restricting their presence in various sectors, including the media.

  8. ‘Toasting the World’s Most Natural Talent’: UN Museum Campaign Recognizes NATURE’s Contributions to Music

    - Inter Press Service

    NEW YORK, Apr 22 (IPS) - Spearheaded by the Museum for the United Nations, a new campaign brings together music and ecology to spark people's interest and engagement in environmental conservation through consciously listening to music.

  9. Urgent Global Action Is Essential To Stop Wave of Plastic Pollution

    - Inter Press Service

    ROME, Apr 22 (IPS) - There is a growing wave of plastics, smothering our countryside and lapping at our shores.

  10. Making the Global Financial Architecture Work for Emerging Markets and Developing Countries (EMDEs)

    - Inter Press Service

    PARIS, Apr 22 (IPS) - The world is facing multiple crises that must be tackled quickly, with innovative approaches and brave decisions. The global financial architecture is an area that needs reform and thinking outside the box. The system created 80 years ago is not able to deal with today’s problems that range from climate change to pandemics, to increasing inequality, to conflict and fragility, to food insecurity and poverty.

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