News headlines in April 2024, page 9

  1. Who Should be the Next UN Leader? - PART 6

    - Inter Press Service

    APEX, North Carolina / DUBLIN, Ireland, Apr 22 (IPS) - Michelle Bachelet is a formidable candidate to be the next UN Secretary-General. Some would even make her the frontrunner, should she choose to stand. Bachelet was the first female head of state in Chile, having served as president on two separate occasions: 2006 to 2010, and 2014 to 2018. Bachelet can also boast a long pedigree when it comes to human rights.

  2. The Summit of the Future Is a Rare Chance to Fix a Broken System: Civil Society Must Be Included

    - Inter Press Service

    NEW YORK, Apr 22 (IPS) - Today, the spectre of a major regional conflict, and even a possible nuclear conflagration, looms large in the Middle East. Despite stark warnings issued by the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, the multilateral system is struggling to resolve the very challenges it was supposed to address: conflict, impoverishment and oppression. In a deeply divided world, this September’s Summit of the Future offers a rare chance to fix international cooperation and make good on gaps in global governance.

  3. UN envoy urges international solidarity with Haiti as gang violence spirals

    - UN News

    As gang violence increases in Haiti, the international community must continue to stand in solidarity with the population, the UN Special Representative for the country told the Security Council on Monday.

  4. World News in Brief: Rising West Bank violence, dialogue critical in Kosovo, free Afghan activist

    - UN News

    The UN Middle East envoy has expressed concern about increased levels of violence in the West Bank, UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric told journalists in New York on Monday.

  5. First Person: ‘Our tears are dry, we are exhausted’ – Youth voices in Haiti

    - UN News

    A youth activist in Haiti has described how years of gang violence, kidnappings and insecurity in the country’s capital, Port-au-Prince, has forced their “tears to run dry”.

  6. Airlines urged not to facilitate UK-Rwanda asylum transfers

    - UN News

    Independent UN experts have expressed concern over the role airlines and aviation authorities could have in the unlawful removal of asylum seekers from the United Kingdom to Rwanda under an agreement between the two governments and the proposed Safety of Rwanda bill.

  7. UN chief urges ‘surge in investment’ to overcome $4 trillion financing gap

    - UN News

    The UN Secretary-General on Monday called for a “surge in investment” to give developing countries a chance to build better lives for their people.

  8. No evidence yet of Israel’s claims against UNWRA: Colonna report

    - UN News

    Israeli authorities have provided no proof yet following their three-month-old claim that a dozen UN staff colluded with Hamas in the 7 October attacks in Israel, according to the final report of an independent review of the UN relief agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA), led by former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna and released on Monday.

  9. Thousands of children killed or maimed by explosive weapons in populated areas: UNICEF

    - UN News

    Meaningful action to prevent the use of explosive weapons in populated areas could reduce the number of child casualties in conflicts by nearly half, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Monday.

  10. Secretary-General calls for UN 2.0 to tackle 21st century challenges

    - UN News

    Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday emphasized the need for a “strengthened and updated” United Nations to better reach and support people around the world.

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