News headlines

  1. Global leaders call for action to meet ambitious development boost

    - UN News

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday called for increased action to deliver $500 billion a year in affordable, long-term financing to developing countries at the eighth World Investment Forum held in Abu Dhabi.

  2. Libya: Mission chief updates Security Council on flood disaster ‘beyond imagination’

    - UN News

    Humanitarians delivering aid in the wake of Libya’s “unprecedented” flood disaster centred on the coastal city of Derna, have reached more than 146,000 in need, said the head of the UN support mission there (UNSMIL) on Monday.

  3. Explainer: What’s inside aid convoy at Gaza crossing

    - UN News

    Less than a kilometre from Gaza, pallets of food, fuel, water, and medicine are among the hundreds of tonnes of lifesaving aid packed into a long convoy of trucks idling on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing, as drivers await Israel’s green light so they can reach 2.3 million besieged Palestinians caught in the crossfire of the ongoing war.

  4. ‘A mountain of hardship’, as Afghanistan suffers yet another earthquake

    - UN News

    A powerful earthquake struck western Afghanistan again on Sunday, making it the fourth to hit the impoverished region since 7 October, causing more suffering for families left with little to survive on as the hard winter approaches, UN agencies have reported.

  5. Sudan: UN expert warns of child recruitment by armed forces

    - UN News

    An independent UN human rights expert on Monday expressed concern about the increased risk of recruitment and use of children by armed forces and armed groups in Sudan, as the months-long war between rival militaries continues.

  6. Gaza: ‘History is watching’ warns UN relief chief, saying aid access is key priority

    - UN News

    Every effort continues to be made by the United Nations and partners to get aid supplies into Gaza following the Israeli order to evacuate the north of the enclave, the UN’s emergency relief chief said on Monday.

  7. Middle East on ‘verge of the abyss’ UN warns, as Israel-Hamas conflict deepens Gaza crisis

    - UN News

    The UN Secretary-General on Sunday appealed to Hamas to immediately release all hostages and to Israel to grant “unimpeded access for humanitarian aid” into the Gaza Strip.

  8. UN relief chiefs urges end to ‘humanitarian nightmare’ in Sudan

    - UN News

    Six months of war have plunged Sudan into one of the worst humanitarian nightmares in recent history, the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator saidon Sunday, calling on the parties to the conflict to uphold their obligations under international humanitarian law.

  9. UN voices concern over obstacles to Mali mission’s orderly withdrawal

    - UN News

    Heightened tensions and the increasingly hostile presence of armed groups in northern Mali are likely to impede the departure of the UN Stabilization Mission there (MINUSMA), the UN said in a note to correspondents issued on Saturday.

  10. First Person: ‘A handful of soil’ – refugee stories from Armenia

    - UN News

    People who have fled to Armenia from the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan have been talking about how their lives have been shattered by the recent escalation in hostilities there.

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