News headlines

  1. Gaza: Forcing patients to flee hospitals a 'death sentence' warns WHO

    - UN News

    The UN Palestine refugee agency (UNRWA) issued an urgent call on Saturday for Israeli Authorities to protect all civilians sheltering in Gaza.

  2. Behind Each Climate Disaster Awaits a Tuberculosis Crisis

    - Inter Press Service

    NEW YORK, Oct 13 (IPS) - At the end of September, two weeks after the United Nations held a High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis (TB), a torrential storm dropped 6” of rain on New York City. The intensity of the storm recalled that of Hurricane Ida two years earlier, which—in the largest city in the United States—damaged more than 3% of buildings, killed 13 people, and left 380 families homeless.

  3. Working to Relieve the Trauma of Syrian Earthquake Orphans

    - Inter Press Service

    IDILIB, SYRIA, Oct 13 (IPS) - Seven-year-old Salim al-Bakkar was orphaned in the earthquake that struck southern Turkey and northern Syria on February 6, 2023.

  4. Silent Struggles: Unraveling Korea's Startling Elderly Suicide Surge

    - Inter Press Service

    SEOUL, Oct 13 (IPS) - Growing up in a culture that values respect for elders, I was acutely aware of the importance of caring for our aging population. However, my journey to understanding the gravity of this issue truly began with a personal anecdote. I watched my grandmother, a pillar of strength throughout my childhood, gradually withdraw from the vibrant world in which she once thrived. The cheerful twinkle in her eyes began to dim, replaced by an eerie sense of isolation.

  5. Afghanistan: Agencies launch funding appeal for quake-hit families

    - UN News

    UN agencies are appealing for urgent funds to assist the hundreds of thousands affected by deadly earthquakes in western Afghanistan.

  6. Israel-Gaza crisis dominates close of Human Rights Council session

    - UN News

    At the concluding segment of the 54th Session of the UN Human Rights Council on Friday in Geneva, several States seized the opportunity to address the conflict engulfing Gaza and Israel, now in its sixth day.

  7. Cutting disaster risk will boost equality, improve resilience

    - UN News

    Marking the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction on Friday, UN chief António Guterres called on countries everywhere to boost resilience and adaptation, to build a safer and more just future for all.

  8. Tackling disasters means safer and fairer future for Caribbean: A UN Resident Coordinator blog

    - UN News

    Reducing the risk of disasters will not only save lives but can provide the platform to tackle inequality in places like the Caribbean, that’s according to senior UN officials in the region.

  9. Ethiopia: Victims ‘left in limbo’ as rights probe mandate ends

    - UN News

    The UN-mandated Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia on Friday released a harrowing report on the “staggering” level of human rights violations and mass killings that have plagued the east African nation since the Tigray conflict erupted in 2020.

  10. International Criminal Court: Russia urged to withdraw arrest warrants for judges

    - UN News

    The UN human rights office, OHCHR, on Friday said it was “deeply concerned” by Russia’s decision to issue arrest warrants against senior judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC), following earlier warrants against its Prosecutor and Pre-trial Judges involved in examining potential war crimes in Ukraine.

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