War on Terror Links and Resources
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The following web sites and resources offer additional insights and perspectives on various aspects of this "war on terror". I do not necessarily agree with all the views of all the sources below, and by no means are they a comprehensive list, rather an example. Some of the more mainstream sources concentrate much more on the effects and aftermaths, while some of the other sources also offer deeper analysis on causes as well as ramifications around the world. These sites have more links that you can follow to other web sites.
- Analysis and comments:
- Democracy Now1 coverage is quite broad and deep, providing a variety of viewpoints and raising many issues/concerns
- Z Magazine2 has articles from numerous writers on the ramifications and deeper context of this whole situation.
- Inter Press Service3 has news coverage on the events and global processes affecting the economic, social and political development of peoples and nations. Their news coverage is typically broader and deeper than most mainstream media, often providing important and useful context. This site carries a feed of IPS stories, and there is also a specific section of IPS news articles on the War on Terror
- Media Channel4 articles on media presentation of the enormous issues. Understanding how the media are presenting the information helps us understand how our own opinions are forming.
- John Pilger5 web site provides articles from award-winning investigative journalist John Pilger, and offers hard hitting analysis and criticisms, especially of the media reporting.
- The Nation Magazine6, an American progressive politics magazine, with articles, interviews etc.
- TFF7, the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research also provides some articles that reflect on the causes and ramifications.
- Counter Punch8, a political news letter offers some deep analysis.
- Global Circle Net News9 provides many good articles, perspectives and links.
- Special Reports from OneWorld.net:
- The Emperor's New Clothes12 provides articles with analysis, backgrounders and insights.
- Focus on the Global South13 is an organization based in Thailand, focusing primarily on development, poverty and social justice issues. They have articles on the recent events from a developing world perspective.
- Institute for Public Accuracy14 has short interviews and links to other web sites.
- National Security Archive15 from George Washington University archives declassified U.S. documents, based on the Freedom of Information Act. (The previous link is to a collection they have created related to issues around terrorism and related foreign policy, intelligence etc.)
- Foreign Policy In Focus16
- RAWA17, Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, is a political/social organization of Afghan women fighting for human rights and for social justice in Afghanistan.
- Media Workers Against War18 is a UK-based web site by media workers who are against the bombing of Afghanistan and critical of the media coverage.
- The Institute for Policy Research and Development19 has a number of articles.
- From the Village Voice, are specials on:
- Federation of American Scientists23 provide information and analysis on emerging security, geopolitical and military related issues.
- U.S. news coverage (many U.S. news web sites are inundated and therefore not always accessible):
- Independent Media Center24, a grassroots media organization. Coverage includes postings of the rescue operations in New York, as well as posts, and articles on analysis, ramifications and wider implications, etc.
- AlterNet25, an alternative news source has a section devoted to this: After 9-1126
- Common Dreams27, an alternative news source
- Web Active28 includes on line radio news shows from numerous alternative sources
- Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting29, a U.S. media watchdog that provides analysis on the reporting by the U.S. mainstream media.
- CNN news coverage30
- New York Times31
- Washington Post32
- Los Angeles Times33
- NBC34
- U.K. news coverage:
- From or on Middle East:
- Elsewhere:
- Radio Nethelands43
- Daily Mail and Guardian44 from South Africa
- India Abroad45
- OutlookIndia.com46
- Dawn47, a Pakistani news paper
- U.N. News Centre48 from the United Nations
- Inkpot49 has numerous links to newspapers from around the world
- Gemini News Service50 is an international news service using local journalists.
- Communications Initiative for Sustainable Development51 look at the implications of this event on development progress around the world.
- Megastories52 from Out There News provides many articles and independent coverage.
- Globalvision News Network53 is an international news service that offers stories daily from independent newspapers and media networks around the world.
- How Dare They54 from the organization, Public Campaign, is highlighting the issue of corportations using the war on terrorism to push for various benefits in an unfair manner.
- The U.S, being the mightiest economic and military power, is involved in all facets of human rights, trade/economics/globalization/poverty, environment, geopolitics and so on. To see how these issues interrelate you can explore the other topics on this web site55.
0 articles on “War on Terror Links and Resources” and 2 related issues:
War on Terror
It was with disbelief and shock that people around the world saw footage of the terrorist attacks in the US on on September 11, 2001 when the planes-turned-missiles slammed into the World Trade Center towers and damaged the Pentagon.
This ultimately resulted in the US declaring and waging a war on terror
. Osama Bin Laden was eventually tracked down and killed some 10 years later. But the way the war on terror has been conducted has led to many voicing concerns about the impact on civil liberties, the cost of the additional security focused changes, the implications of the invasions and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and more.
Read “War on Terror” to learn more.
Links and resources for more information
Read “Links and resources for more information” to learn more.
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