What’s New November 2004

This page lists changes to this site for November 2004.

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Third world debt has long been recognized as a major obstacle to human development. Third world debt has impeded sustainable human development, security and political or economic stability. How has this happened? Part of it is the result of the unjust transfer to them of the debts of the colonizing states during the early decolonization era. Furthermore, it has been argued that this may be illegal. Updated the debt causes section with more on this aspect.

Reporters Sans Frontiers (Reporters Without Borders) issues a world wide press freedom index for 2004. Democracies rank the best, whilst totalitarian regimes are at the bottom. As with their previous index, major countries like USA and UK ranked quite low.

Issues such as technology and the cost of investigating and mining massive amounts of data, of companies profiting from fear, and the global impact on privacy and anonymity are all related to the debate of civil liberties during this so-called war on terror. A few articles looking into these issues have been reposted

Fear has long been a tool to rally the masses to a cause. The Islamic extremists attempted it in the Middle East, though somewhat unsuccessfully, and, the BBC notes, the neo-conservatives use it for the war on terror. A small section has been added on the war on terror main page

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