What’s New October 2007

This page lists changes to this site for October 2007.

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The United Nations General Assembly adopted the declaration of the rights of indigenous peoples. The votes were 143 in favour, 4 against. The 4 countries against the declaration were predictably Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States, long opposed to the declaration in its current form. A short update describes this. In addition, some video clips were added. One from a representative of the Inuit in the Arctic region, another an interview with Evo Morales, president of Bolivia, and another with an Aboriginal elder. They all look at different aspects of indigenous people’s struggles.

This short update is a video clip from renewable energy expert, Hermann Scheer, who argues that the reason why many still think renewable energy cannot replace fossil and nuclear power is because those working in these industries have made efforts to propagate the notion.

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